Combating Corporation-Induced Environmental Pollution in Nigeria vide Shari’ah Mechanism


  • Ahmed Abiodun Muhammed-Mikaaeel Ph.D. Scholar, Notary Public for Nigeria, Lecturer, Islamic Law Department, Faculty of Law, Kwara State University.
  • Asihat Abdul-Qadir Zubair Lecturer,Islamic Law Department, Faculty of Law, Kwara State University.



Combating, Corporation-Induced-Pollu-tion, Nigeria, Shari’ah, Mechanism


The menace of environmental pollution is not limited to a particular clime. The scourge is being felt globally. Efforts to combat the menace are still ongoing at global, regional and national levels. Nigeria, as a sovereign nation, has suffered and is still suffering the menace of environmental pollution. The discovery of crude oil in commercial quantity gave birth to corporation-induced environmental pollution. National effort towards combating corporation-induced pollution gave rise to series of legal frameworks while the country continues to experience environmental degradation. Against this backdrop, this paper looks for options beyond the conventional corporate law vide Shari’ah mechanism. This paper, which employs the Qualitative Research Design, adopts both the doctrinal and nondoctrinal legal research approaches. For the doctrinal approach, content analysis was adopted to analyze the primary sources like texts of Fiqh and legislations as well as the secondary sources such as textbooks, journals, articles, reports, among others. With the aid of comparative analysis, the paper compares approaches to corporation-induced environmental protection under conventional law and Shari’ah. The paper further presents a visual representation of the various views using thematic analysis with the help of ATLAS.ti software. The paper contends that environmental pollution signifies corporate governance failure. It also argues that despite the availability of legal framework for environmental protection, the menace of corporation-induced pollution is persistent ow-ing to certain challenges. It is contended that Nigeria has never considered Shari’ah perspective in protecting its environment. Hence, Shari’ah approach is recommended for combating corporation-induced environmental pollution in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Muhammed-Mikaaeel, A. A., & Abdul-Qadir Zubair, A. (2023). Combating Corporation-Induced Environmental Pollution in Nigeria vide Shari’ah Mechanism. International Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 8(1), 11–26.





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Id, 61 (b)

Id, 61 (c)

See Qur’an Ch. 32:4

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S Tamuno, and JM Felix, Crude Oil Resources: A Blessing or Curse to Nigeria – The Case of the Niger Delta. Supranote 31 at 53-58.

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J Chen, Exploration and Production (E & P). Supranote 45 at 1-3.

A Twum, Environmental Impact of Oil and Gas Exploration and production on the Socio-Economic Life in Niger Delta. Supra note 35 at 44-47



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AA Muhammed-Mikaaeel, et al, Corporate Governance and Practice in Nigeria: Exploring its Tricky and Prognoses. Supra note 7 at 108-110.

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BD Awosusi,Appraisal of the Policies, and Laws for the Development of Corporate Business in Nigeria.Supra note 5 at 198. See also, AA Muhammed-Mikaaeel, and FF Abdulrazaq, Lifting the Corporate Veil by the Court: Nigeria and England in Focus. Supranote 6 at 101.

See chapter 2 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended), particularly section 20.



The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (CFRN), 1999 As Amended, S17

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O Atanda, An Overview of the Legal Framework for Oil Pollution in Nigeria. Supranote 66 at 5.




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Id. 81 A Ogunba, An Appraisal of the Evolution of Environmental Legislation in Nigeria. 40(673) Vermont Law Review, 600, 685-690 (2016)


Id, 688-693

The Environmental Impact Assessment Act, S.1-24

A Ogunba, An Appraisal of the Evolution of Environmental Legislation in Nigeria. Supranote 79 at 7



A Ogunba, An Appraisal of the Evolution of Environmental Legislation in Nigeria. Supranote 79 at 690-693


AI Doi, Shariah: The Islamic Law.Al-Yassar Publishers, Kurmi Market, Kano-Nigeria, 1, 2-16 (1984)

See Quran Ch. 6:38

AI Doi, Shariah: The Islamic Law. Supranote 80 at 2-16

The provisions of Quran Ch. 4:23 on prohibition degrees of marriage is adopted stock and barrel in section 3 of the Matrimonial Causes Act.

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MF Daud, et al, Islam and the Environment: Education Perspective. Supranote 25 at 96-106

i.e. to sincerely profess oneness of Allah in all ramifications. 98 MA Hisham, 3 Reasons Why We Should Seek Knowledge. 1, 1 available at accessed on 17th August, 2020.

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See Qur’an Ch. 32:4


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See Qur’an Ch. 2:30

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NB Ahmad, Faith-Based Approaches to Ecological Harmony and Environmental Protection. Supranote 27 at 11-12

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See Qur’an Ch. 16:36

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See Quran Ch. 7:31

F Al-Banna, Islam and Environmental Protection. 1, 1-5 available at accessed on 17 th August, 2020.

Abu Amina Elias, Daily Hadith Online. 1, available at accessed on 17 th August, 2020.

F Al-Banna, Islam and Environmental Protection. Supranote 111 at 1-5.

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Allah commanded in the Holy Qur’an that: ‘… And do not kill yourselves’ see Quran Ch. 4:29

See Qur’an Ch. 7:54

This is against the spirit of Allah’s Commandment in Quran Ch. 7:56

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See Qur’an Ch. 11:7

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HFR Ahmed, and M Monjur, Environmental Degradation: An Islamic Perspective. Supra note 120 at 10-11


F Al-Banna, Islam and Environmental Protection. Supranote 111 at 1-5.

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Like Malignant Melanoma that breaks Immune system and makes body vulnerable to different types of ailment.

A Muhammad, Therapeutic Flora in Holy Quran. 6(9) African Journal History And Culture, 141, 141-148 (2014) See also, HFR Ahmed, and M Monjur, Environmental Degradation: An Islamic Perspective. Supra note 120 at 8-9.

See Qur’an Ch. 3:19

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See Quran Ch. 31:19

Abu Amina Elias, Daily Hadith Online. Supranote 112 at 1.

See Qur’an Ch. 6:38

See Quran Ch. 1:1

HFR Ahmed, and M Monjur, Environmental Degradation: An Islamic Perspective. Supra note 120 at 11



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See Quran Ch. 50:7



J Adekola, et al, Health Risks from Environmental Degradation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Supranote 51 at 334-354

HFR Ahmed, and M Monjur, Environmental Degradation: An Islamic Perspective. Supra note 120 at 13



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Companies and Allied Matters Act, 2020, S42.

See Quran Ch. 3:185

See Quran Ch. 17:36

AA Muhammed-Mikaaeel, and FF Abdulrazaq, Lifting the Corporate Veil by the Court: Nigeria and England in Focus. Supra note 6 at 100.

Although, there are some instances under which veil of incorporation can be lifted and the individuals behind the veil made to face personal liability. This rarely happens in environmental pollution cases. See generally, AA Muhammed-Mikaaeel, and FF Abdulrazaq, Lifting the Corporate Veil by the Court: Nigeria and England in Focus. Supranote 6 at 107-118

The Prophet was report to have said: ‘’every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock.’’ Se generally, H Amin, Islamic Approach in Leadership. 1, available at accessed on 21st August, 2020.

AA Muhammed-Mikaaeel, and FF Abdulrazaq, Lifting the Corporate Veil by the Court: Nigeria and England in Focus. Supra note 6 at 107-118

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See Qur’an Ch. 3:185

See Qur’an Ch. 32:25